The main direction of environmental protection is the prevention of the formation of harmful substances by changing production.
According to scientific research, approximately 1013 kg of gaseous, liquid and solid pollutants enter the earth’s atmosphere every year.
Anthropogenic emissions make up about 10% of this amount, of which 90% are gaseous substances and 10% are particles of solid and liquid suspensions.

It should be borne in mind that the growth of anthropogenic contaminants is constantly growing, and they are much more concentrated and more dangerous than biological ones.
Sources of pollution can be divided into mobile and stationary.
Mobile sources include vehicles that move by land, water and air, including construction, agricultural and military equipment.

Protection of Nature

Nothing is eternal. Landscapes are disappearing, populations are dying out. This is the natural course of things. Why try to protect someone? The strongest survive, the weak perish – the law of nature. Environmentalists are confronted with this line of reasoning every now and then. Therefore, in this article, we want to present a number of convincing arguments why nature conservation and the promotion of sustainable development principles are important, despite all the arguments of skeptics.

Protecting the environment creates jobs and stimulates the economy

Thousands of people work in the field of nature conservation. It encompasses many sectors, from organic farming to energy production from wind, water, sun and biofuels. From the inspection of protected natural areas to the organization of tourist routes in national parks.

Environmental protection stimulates research and technological innovation

Man has learned a lot from nature and continues to learn. The idea for the first flying machine was inspired by bird observation. The rainforest is the richest source of many medicines, including antibiotics or malaria drugs. Lotus petals inspired the idea of ​​producing dirt-repellent surfaces and modern paints. Almost every animal and plant has its own technical secrets, seeing which scientists make discoveries, and inventors create know-how. In other words, people spy on nature and copy. With the disappearance of ecosystems and wildlife species, the base for scientific research and technical improvement is dwindling.

Environmental protection prevents natural disasters

Nature strives for balance. This is how forests absorb CO2, grow and convert it into oxygen. This provides an opportunity for life and also slows down climate change. In addition, forests provoke rains and the cycle of water in nature, helping to purify it and turn it into drinking water. In addition, forests and green spaces protect the soil from erosion and prevent landslides and avalanches. The destruction of forests radically changes the climate of entire regions and causes them to dehydrate and desertification. Or, on the contrary, it can cause powerful floods, leading to the flooding of entire areas and the evacuation of hundreds of thousands of people. Respect for ecosystems helps to avoid such troubles.

Environmental issues have no geographic or political boundaries and affect everyone

The concept of “climate refugees” has already entered the international lexicon. New Zealand was one of the first countries to officially welcome people from other regions affected by natural disasters caused by climate change. Further climate change can lead to powerful not only economic, but also political and economic shocks. Accordingly, the struggle to save nature also has no boundaries: people from all over the world are working together to find solutions to environmental problems and promote sustainable development models, opening new horizons for themselves.

Protecting the environment teaches responsible attitude towards ourselves and others

In the course of our daily life, we consume the world’s natural resources. For the production of fruit juices, meat, chocolate, palm oil and other products, entire forests are cut down, where millions of living beings live. Industrial cotton cultivation leads to the disappearance of water bodies and, again, accelerates climate change and the lives of many people in different countries. Therefore, we must keep track of how much and what we buy, and how the production of these goods affects the life of our planet, that is, take responsibility for our actions, because:

Protecting the environment is protecting people

By protecting nature, we are protecting ourselves. Lack of natural resources provokes economic crises, wars, epidemics. Even small changes in the ecosystem can lead to huge disasters. Thus, the death or reduction of the population of bees will affect not only the production of honey, but also the whole food production system, since bees pollinate 80% of useful and wild plants. No bees – no honey, no fruit, very few vegetables. This leads to hunger, disease, migration, political turmoil and war.

Taking part in environmental protection is a source of joy

We study nature, admire it, ride a bike or hike, swim in rivers and lakes. We meet with like-minded people. Many tourist regions lure guests by promising to show them the wild, untouched nature. Both children and adults love to observe animals, birds or fish. Any local success – the elimination of landfills, the rescue of an endangered population, the creation of reserves – become a cause for global joy, inspire all other participants in the environmental movement.

We humans are part of nature and its cycles ourselves. Even if it seems to us that “man has studied and conquered nature,” we are strongly dependent on it. Our impact on ecosystems has noticeable implications for our daily lives. But they can be predicted and avoided if you think with your head and act carefully. But positive change can be promoted in the same way. Even small deeds can improve the state of nature and our life on the planet.

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