
- Master internet banking
By paying your bills online, you will not only save time, but also save the tree. And if instead of paper receipts, extracts, printouts you start using electronic ones, the number of trees saved will be in the thousands.
- Don’t print letters
Experts estimate that approximately 700 billion unnecessary pages are printed in Europe every year. Try to print only those documents that you really need. And, if possible, use both sides of the sheet.
- Save on packaging
Everyone loves to receive beautifully packaged gifts. But in most cases, you can not violently tear the paper, but carefully unfold the gift and reuse the packaging.
- Plant a tree
For the next New Year, buy a small Christmas tree in a pot (from 149 rubles), dress it up, water it for several months, and plant it in the garden in the spring.
- Leave the world green
There is an alternative to wooden coffins: rattan coffins. And you can even arrange a funeral using only a shroud. Coffins made of wood-based panels containing formaldehyde, when burned, emit poisonous gases, and while in the ground, they harm the ecological system – the same formaldehyde and glue get into groundwater. Certified coffins for sustainable incineration already exist, and in some countries there are green burials in the forest or meadow.