Rapidly growing technological progress negatively affects the environment. One of the pressing problems in the modern world is air pollution.
It is customary to divide them into natural and artificial. The first include natural sources – dust, forest and steppe fires, volcanic eruptions.
The artificial ones include agriculture, transport, industrial activity and heat power engineering.
- Volcanoes. In the bowels of the earth, chemical reactions take place – nuclear fusion and decay (a source of heat, electromagnetic pulses), accumulation and heating of a large amount of magma. Therefore, during the eruption, a large amount of sulfur oxide, hydrogen sulfide, sulfates, and ash gets into the atmosphere. The source is dangerous in that its action is difficult to predict and to estimate the scale of damage.
- Pollen. It lifts with ease due to its low weight. Its particles sometimes reach the atmospheric layer.
- Gaseous compounds. Some plants, when rotting, emit poisonous gases that enter the air.
- Animal excrement and carcasses. They also give off dangerous compounds. If the dead animal is not buried in the ground, then its body emits corpse poisons.
Artificial sources of pollution and air protection systems:
- Metallurgy (ferrous and non-ferrous). When smelting metals, large amounts of particulate matter and chemicals are released into the air.
- Building. Materials used for the construction of new buildings and structures. Some of their components are toxic. Also, during construction, a large amount of dust is generated.
- Chemical production. During operation, harmful chemicals are released that pollute the air.
- Transport. Each of its types carries certain harm to the atmosphere. But the main pollutant is the car. The point is high fuel consumption. Exhaust gases are given off by gasoline after combustion.
- Thermal and nuclear power plants, boiler houses. In the course of their activities, coal is burned, oil is refined. Smoke enters the atmosphere. The damage from pollution of the oil and gas industry is high. They contain hydrocarbons, nitrogen and sulfur oxides, carbon dioxide. The stations use toxic substances – radioactive iodine, inert gas. Rising, impurities accumulate in clouds and fall to the ground in the form of acid rain. After them, trees, which are the main natural air purifier, suffer greatly.